Michael Cadaret, Ph.D.

Photo of Michael Cadaret
Masters Program Coordinator

Hometown: Toledo, OH 
Joined Chatham: August, 2019


Impact of stereotypes on identity, coping with barriers, career and work psychology, psychology of gender, critical and feminist psychologies


Music, running, good food, travel, mentoring, building community, spending time with my wonderful family


The objectives of my research are focused on applied psychology, or more plainly, on solving practical problems that comprise the experience of individuals. At the core, my research is guided by the principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Activism to bring about Liberation and Social change (idealslab.org). The topics of research focuses on three areas: (a) promoting inclusive career development, (b) enhancing student success, and (c) reducing the incidence of sexual assault on college campuses. 

Rooted in the Freirean and social justice pedagogies, my teaching philosophy recognizes education as a transformative tool for liberation and social change. I am committed to education that goes beyond the mere transmission of information and instead fosters critical consciousness, empowers students, and promotes equitable and just societies.

My advising approach is rooted in the values of Caring, Commitment, Empowerment, Inclusivity, Integrity, Professionalism, and Respect. My aim is to create an advising environment where students feel heard and valued.

  • Ph.D., University of Akron (Akron, OH), 2015
  • M.A., John Carroll University (Cleveland, OH), 2010
  • M.A., University of Dayton (Dayton, OH), 2007
  • B.A., University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH), 2004
  • Licensed Psychologist, Pennsylvania

  • Member, American Psychological Association
  • Member, APA Division 17, Counseling Psychology
  • Cadaret, M.C.; *Senay, S.; Bukowski, J.; & *Mastrangelo, F. (2024). The Impact of Financial Stress, Scarcity, and Uncertainty Among College Students, Division 9 Poster Session. American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA.
  • Cadaret, M.C. (chair); Allan, B., Garrison, Y.L., Lowman, R., Stevenson, B. (2023). Teaching Work and Vocational Psychology from a Liberatory Framework, Division 17 Critical Conversation. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC. 
  • Cadaret, M.C., *Ritter, M; *Kohen, S., *Bergman, Z, & *Folio, F. (August, 2022), Evaluation of the Define It! program for raising critical conscious bystander behaviors, Division 35 Poster Session. American Psychological Association Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Cadaret, M.C., *Seikawa, T; & *Ashworth, S. (August, 2022). Integrating a Relational Cultural approach to Career Construction Counseling. Division 17 Poster Session. American Psychological Assocation Convention Minneapolis, MN.
  • Cadaret, M.C., Wang, L., *Caico, S., & *Maddox, C. (August, 2021). Experiences of African American/Black students in STEM: A mixed methods study. Division 17 Poster Session. American Psychological Assocation Convention (virtual). 
  • Barclay, S.R., Briddick, W.C., Cadaret, M.C., Evan Faidley, E., Hartung, P.J., Peila-Shuster, J., Santilli, S., Savickas, S., Savickas, M.L., Sensoy-Briddick, H., & Taber, B.J. (June, 2021). Constructing Certainty Amidst Uncertainty through Career Construction Counseling. 2021 NCDA Virtual Career Development Global Conference Professional Development Institute symposium.
  • Cadaret, M.C. (Chair), *Albrecht, J., *Corbett-Hone, M., & Johnson, N. L. (Discussant)(August, 2020). Exploring the use of consciousness-raising groups for sexual assault prevention. Division 35 Symposium. American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.
  • Cadaret, M.C., *Lee, S. Y., *Zaffino, M., *Shaw, S., *Hakala, T. M., *Jones, K., & *Albrecht, J. (August, 2020). Exploring the Efficacy of Student-Athlete Career Construction Groups on Career Development, Division 47 Poster Session. American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.
  • Cadaret, M.C. & Hartung, P.J. (August, 2020). Efficacy of a Group Career Construction Intervention with Minority Youth, Division 17 Poster Session. American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.
  • *Chambers-BaltzS., *BecerraM., *HughesA., Knutson, D., *Cantu-Cantu, L. & Cadaret, M.C. (August, 2020). In Pursuit of Expertise: A Consensual Qualitative Analysis of Highly Effective Therapists, Student Poster Session for the Section for the Professional Practice of Counseling Psychology. American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC.
  • Cadaret, M. C., & Devencenzi, M. L. (2019). What’s it mean to be a man?: Testing a brief intervention to reduce masculine role norm endorsement. Poster presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • McCavanagh, T., & Cadaret, M. (2019). Creating brave spaces in athletic environments: Testing the effects of a sexual orientation and gender diversity workshop. Poster Presentation at the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Devencenzi, M. L.; Cadaret, M. C.; Johnson, N. L., Morgan, E. M., *Fabian, D., & *Devine, C. (August, 2018). An quasi-experimental study on the efficacy of the Bystander Plus model on changing rape culture attitudes and beliefs. Individual presentation accepted for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, California.
  • *McCavanagh, T. M. & Cadaret, M. C. (August, 2018). The influence of perceived stigma and anti-bisexual experiences on student athletes’ identity and belonging. Individual presentation accepted for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, California.
  • Cadaret, M. C. & *Devencenzi, M. L. (August, 2018). Man (Step) Up! Exploring Males Endorsement of Rape Culture and Strategizing for Social Change. Individual presentation accepted for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, California.
  • Cadaret, M. C. & Wilkins-Yel, K. (August, 2018). Foundational and Innovative Practices for Teaching Vocational Psychology. Roundtable presentation accepted for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, California.
  • Rasheed Ali, S., Cadaret, M., & Eshelman, A. (August, 2017). Getting Real About Career Psychology: Situating the rise of populism in our changing economic and labor contexts. Division 17 Roundtable Discussion at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Rasheed Ali, S., Cadaret, M., & Eshelman, A. (August, 2017). Getting Real About Career Psychology: Situating the rise of populism in our changing economic and labor contexts. Division 17 Roundtable Discussion at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.